Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Once" movie review

Last night I watched "Once" on DVD. This is an Irish movie, a modern musical, if you will, which won the Oscar for Best Song last year. A guitar-playing Dublin busker meets a Czech immigrant piano player while he's performing on the streets. They develop a musical, unconsummated romance, culminating in an intense weekend of recording the busker's songs in a recording studio. It's a beautiful, lyrical film about love, limitations, music, and the creative process. I loved it. I give it an A. I downloaded the Oscar-winning song, "Falling Slowly", immediately, and will go back on ITunes to review the other songs. The stars are real musicians. I remember that their performance of "Falling Slowly" on the Oscars telecast was considered one of the highlights. I guess because they're like "real people" and not fakey Hollywood actors. LOL Like a dummy, I missed that part.

Once on imdb
Hear "Falling Slowly"

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